Safe Neighborhoods and Communities
The reality is that radical, pro-criminal politicians in Sacramento created Propositions 47, 57, AB109, and No-Cash Bail policies that make our communities unsafe and embolden criminals to commit crimes.
These career criminals know there is no real accountability in California anymore. During the pandemic, Governor Newsom also released some 70,000 criminals back into our cities and I can guarantee you they didn’t “shelter in place.” Even with these daunting challenges and Sacramento turning the justice system into a “catch and release” policy for criminals, we must strengthen our law enforcement departments and give them every tool and resource to fight back and protect our citizens.
If we don’t have safe neighborhoods and communities, then our families are in danger and so is our quality of life. That is completely unacceptable. The only way to ensure the safety of our communities is to have strong and professional law enforcement agencies. I’ve always been and will remain an unwavering supporter of law enforcement. They are the frontline to ensuring our safety, and I respect and admire their service and sacrifice as well as their families’ sacrifice. Our police officers and deputy sheriffs must be provided with all the resources needed to ensure our safety.
In passing the 2022-2023 budget, our City Council made Fresno police officers the highest paid officers in the Central Valley, a well-deserved pay increase aimed at helping recruit hundreds of more officers. We need to do the same thing for the deputy sheriffs in Fresno County and all police officers in other cities in the County. We must give our public safety agencies every resource they need to fight crime. In a time when our law enforcement is frequently under attack, it is important to know that as your next County Supervisor, I will always stand with and defend the brave men and women of law enforcement so they can do their jobs knowing they’ve got a leader who will ALWAYS have their backs.

Safe Neighborhoods and Communities
The reality is that radical, pro-criminal politicians in Sacramento created Propositions 47, 57, AB109, and No-Cash Bail policies that make our communities unsafe and embolden criminals to commit crimes.
These career criminals know there is no real accountability in California anymore. During the pandemic, Governor Newsom also released some 70,000 criminals back into our cities and I can guarantee you they didn’t “shelter in place.” Even with these daunting challenges and Sacramento turning the justice system into a “catch and release” policy for criminals, we must strengthen our law enforcement departments and give them every tool and resource to fight back and protect our citizens.
If we don’t have safe neighborhoods and communities, then our families are in danger and so is our quality of life. That is completely unacceptable. The only way to ensure the safety of our communities is to have strong and professional law enforcement agencies. I’ve always been and will remain an unwavering supporter of law enforcement. They are the frontline to ensuring our safety, and I respect and admire their service and sacrifice as well as their families’ sacrifice. Our police officers and deputy sheriffs must be provided with all the resources needed to ensure our safety.
In passing the 2022-2023 budget, our City Council made Fresno police officers the highest paid officers in the Central Valley, a well-deserved pay increase aimed at helping recruit hundreds of more officers. We need to do the same thing for the deputy sheriffs in Fresno County and all police officers in other cities in the County. We must give our public safety agencies every resource they need to fight crime. In a time when our law enforcement is frequently under attack, it is important to know that as your next County Supervisor, I will always stand with and defend the brave men and women of law enforcement so they can do their jobs knowing they’ve got a leader who will ALWAYS have their backs.

Solving our Homeless/Mental Health/Drug Abuse Crisis
Allowing people to live on the streets is inhumane. It should not be allowed by law. Nor should people be using drugs on the street. Not long ago if someone was using on the street, they would have to go into treatment or go to jail. Now with pro-criminal Sacramento politicians, almost any criminal behavior is allowed. Mental health issues, chronic drug usage and failed policies from Sacramento have resulted in the explosion of homelessness in California. As usual, they’ve wasted billions of dollars in LA and Sacramento on the problem with little improvement.
In contrast, Fresno has wisely used the resources it has to build shelters and have housed over 1700 individuals. We’ve provided services to help find more permanent housing or placement with families and have been successful at least 50-76% of the time. We’ve removed ALL the homeless from the highways and canals and we’re one of the few cities in California to have accomplished this. We have removed all large encampments in Fresno and though we have had success, it remains an on-going problem.
While we continue to make great strides in the city of Fresno, Fresno County has not met its required obligations to provide mental health treatment to many residents in the County as well as to its homeless population. There is a tremendous need for mental health and drug treatment services in Fresno County and resources have not been prioritized and provided to meet the demand.
Child Protective Services also does not have the resources it needs which then places children that need intervention at risk. We’ve seen foster children having to sleep on floors and urinate in bottles because the incumbent was not doing his job.
Despite that we’re dealing with a serious and very dangerous drug and Fentanyl crisis, Fresno County is supporting a needle exchange program every Saturday outside of Roeding Park. They hand out 20,000 needles each week to drug addicts and give them drug paraphernalia to continue using drugs and these needles end up in our parks throughout Fresno County. They ultimately hand out an astounding 1,000,000 needles every year to drug addicts. They’re using taxpayer money to continue the drug crisis and the incumbent supports this program.
I can assure you I will fight to end this taxpayer-funded needle exchange program, focus on providing the much needed resources to the Social Services departments that by law are required to be providing mental health and drug treatment services to our citizens and the homeless, and ensure that foster kids are never treated inhumanely as they were recently. That will only occur with transparency and commitment to ensuring and providing departments have the resources they need, and as your Supervisor, I will make sure that happens.

Solving our Homeless/Mental Health/Drug Abuse Crisis
Allowing people to live on the streets is inhumane. It should not be allowed by law. Nor should people be using drugs on the street. Not long ago if someone was using on the street, they would have to go into treatment or go to jail. Now with pro-criminal Sacramento politicians, almost any criminal behavior is allowed. Mental health issues, chronic drug usage and failed policies from Sacramento have resulted in the explosion of homelessness in California. As usual, they’ve wasted billions of dollars in LA and Sacramento on the problem with little improvement.
In contrast, Fresno has wisely used the resources it has to build shelters and have housed over 1700 individuals. We’ve provided services to help find more permanent housing or placement with families and have been successful at least 50-76% of the time. We’ve removed ALL the homeless from the highways and canals and we’re one of the few cities in California to have accomplished this. We have removed all large encampments in Fresno and though we have had success, it remains an on-going problem.
While we continue to make great strides in the city of Fresno, Fresno County has not met its required obligations to provide mental health treatment to many residents in the County as well as to its homeless population. There is a tremendous need for mental health and drug treatment services in Fresno County and resources have not been prioritized and provided to meet the demand.
Child Protective Services also does not have the resources it needs which then places children that need intervention at risk. We’ve seen foster children having to sleep on floors and urinate in bottles because the incumbent was not doing his job.
Despite that we’re dealing with a serious and very dangerous drug and Fentanyl crisis, Fresno County is supporting a needle exchange program every Saturday outside of Roeding Park. They hand out 20,000 needles each week to drug addicts and give them drug paraphernalia to continue using drugs and these needles end up in our parks throughout Fresno County. They ultimately hand out an astounding 1,000,000 needles every year to drug addicts. They’re using taxpayer money to continue the drug crisis and the incumbent supports this program.
I can assure you I will fight to end this taxpayer-funded needle exchange program, focus on providing the much needed resources to the Social Services departments that by law are required to be providing mental health and drug treatment services to our citizens and the homeless, and ensure that foster kids are never treated inhumanely as they were recently. That will only occur with transparency and commitment to ensuring and providing departments have the resources they need, and as your Supervisor, I will make sure that happens.

Holding Down Taxes
You and your family know much better than the government how to spend your hard-earned income. That’s why I’ve consistently fought against tax measures that further burden our citizens financially, and hurt those people who can least afford to pay the increased sales tax.
Often the proposed sales tax increases are just additional taxes that we already pay for services we should but don’t receive. These additional taxes are just legal theft of your hard-earned income and I will continue to fight against them.

Holding Down Taxes
You and your family know much better than the government how to spend your hard-earned income. That’s why I’ve consistently fought against tax measures that further burden our citizens financially, and hurt those people who can least afford to pay the increased sales tax.
Often the proposed sales tax increases are just additional taxes that we already pay for services we should but don’t receive. These additional taxes are just legal theft of your hard-earned income and I will continue to fight against them.

Protecting our Farms and Water Resources
With over 1.5 million acres and 300 different crops raised, Fresno County is home to the most productive farmland in the nation and along with other Valley counties, feeds the world. Water plays a vital role to the success of Fresno County and our cities. Ensuring that we always have a strong reliable source of water for both the urban and rural parts of Fresno County is critical to the success of our County and region.
We will continue to safeguard clean drinking water for our residents while also ensuring water for our family farms that contribute billions to our economy and support 20% of all jobs in the Fresno area.
I will fight to make sure the County, our cities and farmers receive all their entitled water allocations and support all efforts to increase water storage, both above ground and below ground.

Protecting our Farms and Water Resources
With over 1.5 million acres and 300 different crops raised, Fresno County is home to the most productive farmland in the nation and along with other Valley counties, feeds the world. Water plays a vital role to the success of Fresno County and our cities. Ensuring that we always have a strong reliable source of water for both the urban and rural parts of Fresno County is critical to the success of our County and region.
We will continue to safeguard clean drinking water for our residents while also ensuring water for our family farms that contribute billions to our economy and support 20% of all jobs in the Fresno area.
I will fight to make sure the County, our cities and farmers receive all their entitled water allocations and support all efforts to increase water storage, both above ground and below ground.

Fighting for Economic Growth and Prosperity
As your County Supervisor, I will always fight for policies that promote economic growth and prosperity for Fresno County. That means pushing for policies that help Fresno County employers large and small continue to grow, and reducing burdensome regulations that impede that growth.
While on the Fresno City Council, I fought to quickly and efficiently streamline the permitting processes for businesses and individuals. The Council unanimously approved my At-Risk Permitting program where businesses can move forward with their projects without being unnecessarily delayed by government bureaucracy. It has saved them tremendous amounts of time and money.
My colleagues on the Fresno City Council and I have also taken on the huge monopoly PG&E which has essentially created a moratorium in the cities of Fresno and Clovis and other communities by not electrifying their developments.
Despite the tremendous need for housing in Fresno County, PG&E stopped providing this electricity in a timely manner and people have been financially hurt by this incompetence. To deal with this, we are looking at ways to use our local resources to provide electricity in more reliable, and cost-efficient ways and end the rate-gouging of our citizens currently taking place by PG&E.
One of the ways we can potentially fix this problem is to do what numerous other cities throughout California and the nation have done, which is form their own public utility district and we are looking at this possibility. Locally, there is the Turlock Irrigation District and the Merced and Modesto Irrigation Districts. In most cases, it’s been found that electricity provided by these districts is cheaper than PG&E.
I believe we can make Fresno County the center of job creation in California. And we do that by having a Supervisor in District 2 working hard to reduce regulations, making sure the bureaucracy is promoting and not hindering growth, and thereby ensuring our county is the most attractive place in the state for both employees and job creators.

Fighting for Economic Growth and Prosperity
As your County Supervisor, I will always fight for policies that promote economic growth and prosperity for Fresno County. That means pushing for policies that help Fresno County employers large and small continue to grow, and reducing burdensome regulations that impede that growth.
While on the Fresno City Council, I fought to quickly and efficiently streamline the permitting processes for businesses and individuals. The Council unanimously approved my At-Risk Permitting program where businesses can move forward with their projects without being unnecessarily delayed by government bureaucracy. It has saved them tremendous amounts of time and money.
My colleagues on the Fresno City Council and I have also taken on the huge monopoly PG&E which has essentially created a moratorium in the cities of Fresno and Clovis and other communities by not electrifying their developments.
Despite the tremendous need for housing in Fresno County, PG&E stopped providing this electricity in a timely manner and people have been financially hurt by this incompetence. To deal with this, we are looking at ways to use our local resources to provide electricity in more reliable, and cost-efficient ways and end the rate-gouging of our citizens currently taking place by PG&E.
One of the ways we can potentially fix this problem is to do what numerous other cities throughout California and the nation have done, which is form their own public utility district and we are looking at this possibility. Locally, there is the Turlock Irrigation District and the Merced and Modesto Irrigation Districts. In most cases, it’s been found that electricity provided by these districts is cheaper than PG&E.
I believe we can make Fresno County the center of job creation in California. And we do that by having a Supervisor in District 2 working hard to reduce regulations, making sure the bureaucracy is promoting and not hindering growth, and thereby ensuring our county is the most attractive place in the state for both employees and job creators.

Open and Transparent Government
From my very first day as a member of the Fresno City Council, I have fought for open and transparent government. I exposed and stopped the blatant misuse of taxpayer money and corruption. I will always be a voice for my constituents and it’s a tremendous honor and privilege to represent them. You deserve the truth and honesty from your elected officials, and as your County Supervisor, that is exactly what you will continue to get from me.
In contrast, despite that the current Board of Supervisors make a huge $140,000 per year, they have tied their salaries to that of judges so they get automatic salary increases every year without ever having to take a vote to increase it.
Incredibly, the Chairman of the Board makes an additional $18,000 per year to run a 3-4 hour meeting twice a month. In terms of lack of transparency and oversight, the incumbent typically votes to approve an annual budget of $4.5 Billion in 15 minutes because the details of the new budget get worked out by staff behind closed doors. At the City of Fresno, we spend a month going over the budget with numerous public hearings each week before a budget is approved. With the County budget, there is no transparency or real oversight by the current Supervisor.
I will bring real change to the Board and ensure that County government is fully open and transparent.

Open and Transparent Government
From my very first day as a member of the Fresno City Council, I have fought for open and transparent government. I exposed and stopped the blatant misuse of taxpayer money and corruption. I will always be a voice for my constituents and it’s a tremendous honor and privilege to represent them. You deserve the truth and honesty from your elected officials, and as your County Supervisor, that is exactly what you will continue to get from me.
In contrast, despite that the current Board of Supervisors make a huge $140,000 per year, they have tied their salaries to that of judges so they get automatic salary increases every year without ever having to take a vote to increase it.
Incredibly, the Chairman of the Board makes an additional $18,000 per year to run a 3-4 hour meeting twice a month. In terms of lack of transparency and oversight, the incumbent typically votes to approve an annual budget of $4.5 Billion in 15 minutes because the details of the new budget get worked out by staff behind closed doors. At the City of Fresno, we spend a month going over the budget with numerous public hearings each week before a budget is approved. With the County budget, there is no transparency or real oversight by the current Supervisor.
I will bring real change to the Board and ensure that County government is fully open and transparent.

Defending Your Rights and Freedoms
During the COVID Pandemic, I was often the only local leader fighting against the egregious violations of your constitutional rights by politicians who used the pandemic as justification for trampling upon those rights. I fought against the forced lockdowns and the government-mandated closures of businesses, churches, and schools. I also stood firmly against the mandatory mask and vaccine mandates. As a member of the Fresno City Council, I have been unwavering in my commitment to always stand up and protect your constitutional rights and freedoms. As your next County Supervisor, I will continue that commitment to defend your rights and freedoms against any politician looking to infringe upon them. When it comes to protecting those rights and freedoms, I will never back down. Ever.
Ronald Reagan was right. Our freedoms are fragile. They must be protected and fought for in order to remain free. I fought for them as a Naval Lieutenant and I will continue fighting for them as your Supervisor.
Ronald Reagan accurately forecasted, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
As a veteran and as an elected leader who is often attacked for speaking out against radical, destructive policies, I know the importance of freedom of speech. In today’s world of cancel culture, abortion through nine months of pregnancy, the promotion of numerous genders (though there are only two), the sexualization, medicalization, and indoctrination of our children, open borders, the weakening of all criminal laws in California, and the attack on all of our God-Given rights including the Second Amendment, it is critically important that we elect a Supervisor who is unafraid to speak the truth, will defend your values, take on the media when they promote lies, and will never back down to the radicals who are destroying our country. I will do that. Every. Single. Day.

Defending Your Rights and Freedoms
During the COVID Pandemic, I was often the only local leader fighting against the egregious violations of your constitutional rights by politicians who used the pandemic as justification for trampling upon those rights. I fought against the forced lockdowns and the government-mandated closures of businesses, churches, and schools. I also stood firmly against the mandatory mask and vaccine mandates. As a member of the Fresno City Council, I have been unwavering in my commitment to always stand up and protect your constitutional rights and freedoms. As your next County Supervisor, I will continue that commitment to defend your rights and freedoms against any politician looking to infringe upon them. When it comes to protecting those rights and freedoms, I will never back down. Ever.
Ronald Reagan was right. Our freedoms are fragile. They must be protected and fought for in order to remain free. I fought for them as a Naval Lieutenant and I will continue fighting for them as your Supervisor.
Ronald Reagan accurately forecasted, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
As a veteran and as an elected leader who is often attacked for speaking out against radical, destructive policies, I know the importance of freedom of speech. In today’s world of cancel culture, abortion through nine months of pregnancy, the promotion of numerous genders (though there are only two), the sexualization, medicalization, and indoctrination of our children, open borders, the weakening of all criminal laws in California, and the attack on all of our God-Given rights including the Second Amendment, it is critically important that we elect a Supervisor who is unafraid to speak the truth, will defend your values, take on the media when they promote lies, and will never back down to the radicals who are destroying our country. I will do that. Every. Single. Day.